Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer

Emanuel County Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer
Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer has lived in Emanuel County for 57 years.
He is the son of Jesse E and Mildred B Brewer.
He is the fourth of five children.
He is a 1977 graduate of Emanuel County Institute (ECI) in Twin City.
Sheriff Brewer completed the Emergency Medical Technician program at Swainsboro Technical College in 1977. In 1979, he completed the paramedic program at DeKalb Community College. He worked in the emergency medical services field from 1978 to 1982 (full time) and 1982 to 1999 (part time).
Sheriff Brewer joined the Georgia State Patrol in 1982 as a Radio Operator. He attended the 60th GSP Trooper School in Atlanta. He rose through the ranks and retired in 2014 as a Lieutenant.
Sheriff Brewer served the State of Georgia honorably and proudly for 32 years.
The day after Sheriff Brewer retired, he began his employment with the Emanuel County Sheriff’s Office. He supervised every function with the Sheriff’s Office except Investigations. After four years in this position, he was appointed Jail Administrator. He served for 2 ½ years in this position before being elected Sheriff.
Sheriff Brewer is married to Connie and they have four children and 6 grandchildren.
Training Overview
Sheriff Brewer’s commitment to training and professional development is evident in his approach to addressing critical areas such as gang-related issues, sex crimes, and child exploitation. Recognizing the importance of expertise in these areas, he has facilitated training opportunities for his office by collaborating with experienced Gang Investigators and forming networking alliances with other experts. To strengthen investigations, Sheriff Brewer has established a valuable partnership with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, allowing his team to receive specialized training on crimes against children and cybercrime investigation. Through these strategic training initiatives, Sheriff Brewer ensures that his personnel are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively address these complex and challenging aspects of law enforcement.

Administration and Relations
Sheriff Jeffrey Brewer has demonstrated exceptional administrative skills and a strong focus on fostering positive community relations. From the outset of his administration, he prioritized personnel and organizational enhancements within the Emanuel County Sheriff’s Office. By appointing a dedicated Command Staff and implementing the first policy manual, Sheriff Brewer ensured a streamlined and efficient operation. Additionally, he has actively engaged with the community, working closely with School Superintendent Scotty Hattaway to prioritize the safety of students, faculty, and staff. Through regular interaction with civic clubs, community-sponsored organizations, and service groups, Sheriff Brewer has maintained an open-office attitude, fostering a free flow of information with the public. Furthermore, he has successfully conducted contraband searches, utilized drug dogs, and implemented mandatory, random drug testing to uphold professionalism within the office. Sheriff Brewer’s commitment to administrative excellence and community relations has earned him the trust and respect of the residents of Emanuel County.